Release notes dropbox desktop app windows
Release notes dropbox desktop app windows

Internally we called this the “ICONic update” because we are old and have to make jokes accordingly. Font Awesome 6 Comes to Balsamiq Wireframes So get bundled up, start a fire, and let’s chat about the last 3 months of Balsamiq Wireframes. But, in spite of that, we have just released a bunch of big features (and written a lot of code) this quarter. It also means that we just closed out summer, a season of vacations and slow development for our team. It’s fall again in the northern hemisphere, and that means sweaters and sugar-filled coffees are the soupe du jour for the next few months.

release notes dropbox desktop app windows

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release notes dropbox desktop app windows

Here are all the release notes for Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop, ordered by release date (most recent first). Balsamiq Wireframes Launch Announcement.

Release notes dropbox desktop app windows